MetaR Languages

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Installation instructions for Windows users


Support on Windows is still experimental and under active development. Even if most of the features work, there are a few issues to fix that can affect the correct execution of the Analyses.

System requirements

MetaR can be installed only if these requirements are met:

Install software required by MetaR

  1. Open the Command Prompt (Start button > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt) and type: java -version If the version is less than 1.8.0, download and install the Java 8 Environment from

  2. Download and install Jetbrains MPS 2019.1.5 from

  3. Install R 3.4.3 from and then run this R script inside the R console to install some R packages required by MetaR

Install MetaR

  1. Install the MPS metaR plugin

    1.1 Start the MPS application and open-up the plugin manager in MPS (menu File > Settings… > Plugins)

    1.2 Click on the gear icon (top righ) and then select “Manage Plugin Repositories…” button.

    1.3 In the new window (“Custom Plugin Repositories”, then + (plus) button, add the following URL: and then click OK


  2. Back on the “Plugins” window, click on “Marketplace” and search for “MetaR” and click on the install button of the plugin org.campagnelab.MetaR. Restart the application to activate the plugin.


  3. After restarting, open MPS, go back in the plugin manager (menu File > Settings… > Plugins) and make sure the MetaR plugin is not listed red.



  1. Define the following Path Variables (menu File>Settings…>Appearance & Behavior>Path Variables):
    • Name: org.campagnelab.metaR.results_dir
    • Value: an arbitrary folder under C:\Users\ where you want the results of MetaR analyses to be placed. (Avoid a path with spaces.)


  2. Define the following Path Variable (menu File>Settings…>Appearance & Behavior>Path Variables):

    • Name: R_HOME
    • Value: installation path to R (where R has been installed)

    Typing R.home() + pressing <Enter/Return> in the R console will return the installation path. See

  3. Enable automatic reference re-resolution in the editor. For that, you need to enable the corresponding flag (“Automatically run reference resolve quick fixes”) on the Editor page in the Project settings (menu File>Settings…>Editor> General) as shown:
